English Learners
L1 Collocation
1. 從…被淘汰出局 be eliminated from
2. 完成作業 complete the assignment
3. 哈利波特一系列的書 the whole Harry Potter series
4. 章節中較艱澀的部分 the difficult sections of a chapter
5. 打算 (prep. + N.) with the intention of Ving
6. 不是要故意 (N.) It is not my intention to Vr
7. 打算 (V.) intend to
8. 娛樂活動 recreational activities
9. 宣佈 (N.) make an announcement
10. 公開討論 speak publicly
11. 興建中 (N.) under construction
12. 沒收保證金 withhold the security deposit
13. 安排…細節 settle the details
14. 從…翻落 plunge off
15. 漸漸康復 make a gradual recovery
16. 投入工作 (N.) immersion in the work
17. 全心投入於 (V.) immerse oneself in sth
18. 享受成功的果實 savor the victory
19. 第一順位 the top priority
20. 趕截止日 meet the deadline
L2 Collocation
在一個遙遠的國家(5) in a faraway country
一群螞蟻(4) a colony of ants
經典偵探小說 (3) classic detective fiction
上大學 (3) go to university
一份完整…的清單(4) a complete list of
在學業和玩樂見取得平衡 (7) strike a balance between study and play
使那男孩失去平衡 (5) throw the boy off balance
平衡預算(v.)(3) balance the budget
9. 專長於… (v.)(2) specialize in
10. 一個非常耗時的過程(4) a very time consuming process
11. 在個封閉的區域(4) in a closed area
12. 遭受嚴重的缺水之苦(4) suffer sever water shortages
13. 短缺… (adj.)(3) be short of
14. 發射更多人造衛星(3) launch more satellites
15. 噪音污染 (2) noise pollution
16. 一組攝影工作人員(3) a camera crew
L3 Collocation
1. 全世界(3) throughout the world
2. 一整天(3) throughout the day
3. 毒蛇 (3) a poisonous snake
4. 在…下毒 (3) put poison in
5. 去除…的…(2) remove A from B
6. 卸除式磁碟 (3) a removable disk
7. 一層厚厚的灰(5) a thick layer of dust
8. 穿著時髦的女士們 (3) fashionable dressed women
9 使用化妝品 (2) wear cosmetics
10.「患難見真情」(8) A friend in need is a friend indeed.
11. 有一個常見的迷思(3) a common misconception
12. …不足(2) shortage of sth
13. 外科手術(2) surgical procedures
14. 綁上繃帶(3) wrap a bandage
15. 會危害…(3) be hazardous to sth
16. …的危害(3) the hazards of sth
17. 拱著身體(3) arch the back
18. 扭傷神經(3) pinch a nerve
19. 交通事故(2) traffic accidents
20. 用力踩煞車(n.)(5) push hard on the brake
21. 以備不時之需(2) for emergencies
22. 路面不平(6) the uneven surface of the roads
23. 特別的發現(3) an extraordinary discovery
24. 醫療手術(3) a medical procedure
25. 產生併發症(3) develop complications
L4 Collocation
1. 一切都進行順利 (3) Everything goes smoothly.
2. 美好的人生 (3) a rosy future
3. 紅潤的臉頰 (2) rosy cheeks
4. 從…露出/浮現 (2-1) emerge from
5. 新興趨勢 (3) an emerging trend
6. 背叛他們對你的信任 (5) betray their trust in you
7. 勸阻他加入(v.) (4) discourage sb from joining
8. 表達意見 (3) voice the opinions
9. 變得絕望 (4) be driven to despair
10. 對於能否回家喪失信心 (v)(5) despair of ever coming home alive
11. 和…衝突 (n)(2) confrontation with
12. 令我們灰心的是 (3) to our dismay
13. 特別容易生病 (5) be especially vulnerable to illness
14. …的揭露 (3) the revelation that + S
15. 透露身分 (3) reveal the identity
16. 激勵許多身障人士 (8) an inspiration to many physically challenged people
17. 厭倦回答 (4) be weary of answering
18. 背負更多債務 (5) be burdened with more debts
19. 一睹巨星風采 (6) catch a glimpse of the superstar
L5 Collocation
1. 臥室的家具 (2) bedroom furnishings
2. 用…擺設… (2) furnish A with B
3. 一間家具配備齊全的公寓 (4-1) a fully furnished apartment
4. 字面上的意思 (3) the literal meaning
5. 實際的臨床經驗 (2) practical experience
6. 肉眼看不見的 (6) be invisible to the naked eye
7. 幾乎看不見 (3) be barely visible
8. 到完全看不出來的程度 (5) to the point of invisibility
9. 有受到妥善教育的途徑 (5-2) have access to proper education
10. 讓行動不便的遊客方便進入 (4-1) accessible to disabled visitors
11. 暴露於輻射下 (4) be exposed to radiation
12. 長時間曝曬於陽光下 (5-1) prolonged exposure to the sun
13. 從…突出 (2) protrude from
14. 十分困惑地 (3) in total perplexity
15. 追求名聲/試著成名 (2) seek fame
16. 以…聞名 (2) be famed for
17. 對…而言很理想 (3) be ideal for
18. 沖馬桶 (3) flush the toilet
19. 你的努力會有回報 (5) your efforts will be rewarded
20. 協助(某人)做(某事) (4) assist sb with sth
21. 對…提供財務上的協助 (4) provide financial assistance to
22. 違反我的原則 (4) go against my principles
23. 因為原則問題 (5) as a matter of principle
L6 Collocation
凶殺案的目擊者(5) eyewitness to the murder
大量的錯誤(4) a mass of errors
遺憾的事件(3) an unfortunate incident
一堆工作(3) heaps of work
世界上最大的水域(6) the world’s largest body of water
吸收資訊(3) suck up information
一個颱風正形成(4) A typhoon is forming.
水結成冰(2) Water freezes.
9. 以迅雷不及掩耳的速度(3) with lightning speed
10. 發亮的眼睛(2) glowing eyes
11. 地震是不可預測的(3) Earthquakes are unpredictable.
12. 預言(n.) (2) make predictions
13. 平行線(2) parallel lines
14. 突然消失(n.) (2) sudden disappearance
15. 發出很大的碰撞聲(n.) (4) make a loud bang
16. 多到數不完(4) too numerous to count
17. 理論上 (2) in theory
L7 Collocation
1. 失明(3) be stricken blind
2. 對…很感激 (adj.)(3) be appreciative of
3. 對…很感激 (n.)(4) show my appreciation for
4. 因恐懼而顫抖 (V.)(3) quiver with fear
5. 鬱鬱菁菁的草地(3) lush green meadows
6. 為了說明 (2) to illustrate
7. 說明了 (adj.)(3) be illustrative of
8. 凝視著… (V.)(2) gaze at
9. 對…有同情心 (adj.)(3) be sympathetic towards
10. 拉高聲音(2) raise his voice
11. 加薪 (3) raise my salary
12. 將A變成B (4) transform A into B
13. 專心致力於(3) devote sb to sth
14. 欲速則不達(4) More haste, less speed.
15. 急忙趕去(2) hasten to
16. 將A轉移到B (V.) (4) transfer A to B
17. 現今(2) the present
18. 令我們非常失望的是(4) to our great disappointment
19. 停止說話(3) cease talking
20. 令我遺憾的是…(3) to my regret
21. 我很抱歉通知你…(5) I regret to inform you that
22. 擦香水(2) wear perfume
L8 Collocation
把信打開(3) unseal the letter
這座古城的遺跡(6) the remains of the ancient city
促銷新香水(3) promote the new fragrance
獲得好評(3) receive favorable reviews
執迷(3) be obsessed with
細微的差異(2) subtle differences
由於虛榮心作祟(3) out of vanity
得到這麼有威望的獎(5) receive such a prestigious award
9. 人工合成布料(2) synthetic materials
10. 商業用途(2) commercial use
11. 人工照明(2) artificial lighting
12. 構想一個計畫(3) formulate a plan
13. 精緻的水晶杯(3) delicate crystal glasses
14. 掌握氣氛(3) capture the atmosphere
15. 模仿人類的智慧(3) mimic human intelligence
16. 保留優雅的風格(3) preserve the elegance
L9 Collocation
1. 做惡毒的評論 (3) make nasty remarks
2. 強烈的公眾情緒(3) strong public sentiment
3. 拍賣出清 (2) auction off
4. 廢除宵禁 (3) abolish the curfew
5. 採取民主政體 (2) embrace democracy
6. 對友情的信念 (3) (the) faith in friendship
7. 發出疼痛的狂叫 (6) let out a howl of pain
8. 種族平等 (2) racial equality
9. 對抗 (3) in opposition to
10. 堅持於某事 (2) persist in
11. 確保社會秩序 (3) ensure social order
12.引導…做好的決定 (5) steer sb. toward good decisions
13. 向…道別 (3) bid farewell to…
14. 一群暴怒的示威者 (5) an angry mob of protesters
L10 Collocation
1. 對…不確定 be uncertain about
2. 打節奏 beat a rhythm
3. 從…畢業 (N.) graduation from
4. 從…畢業 (V.) graduate from
5. 情緒不穩定 be emotionally unstable
6. 情況很差 in a bad situation
7. 蓋/建築 undertake the building
8. 可疑的行為 suspicious behavior
9. 登記在…名下 register in sb’s name
10. 在…成功 succeed in
11. 從…逃脫 escape from
12. 在野外 in the wild
13. 瀕臨精神崩潰 on the verge of a nervous breakdown
14. 面臨絕種 face extinction
15. 對…感到非常震驚 be devastated by
16. 讓他健康惡化 worsen his health
17. 受…的賄賂 take bribes from
18. 從…救出 rescue from